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Norman Rockwell paintings completed after 1942 contain an anti-forgery technique that is invisible to the human eye and the eye of a camera. Mr. Rockwell may have learned about Steganography while he served in the US Navy, and created several posters for the Government.

After discharge from the military, he combined knowledge of steganographic principles with his passion for photography. Mr. Rockwell invented a way to hide his name in plain sight. 

He created CMYK color paints to match the RGB color model. Because all electronic screens and cameras work on the RGB model, the paints he created could not be seen on an RGB screen or by an RGB camera. The shades of these color models are so close that the difference was undetectable by the human eye.  Best of all,  pictures taken by RGB model cameras could not capture the difference!  Forgers of the day who worked from photographs of artwork would not see any difference when they were producing a forgery.

food weapon 1.png

Original Poster

Food Weapon 2.png

After processing

and posterization

Lrbrl 3 blowup Food is a Weapon copy.jpg
initialsLrbrl 3als Food is a Weapon copy

Where the initials appear

Freedom from Fear.jpg

Freedom from Fear - 1943 

Freedom from FearIRFAN.jpg

After Irfanview processing

freedom on fear value inverted level 3 .

Value Inverted and Posterized

freedom on fear value inverted level 3 c

With Initials circled and highlighted

SMALL P1030826.JPG

Norman Rockwell Visits a Country Editor - 1946

This picture was taken inside the Norman Rockwell Museum

Court adobe.jpg

After Adobe processing


After Irfanview processing

P10308262SMALLValue Inverted.jpg

Value Inverted

Value Inverted and Posterized with initials circled and highlighted


Freedom of Worship - 1943

worship Level 2 inverted.jpg

Color Inverted and Posterized - Level 2

worship Level 2 invertedcircled.jpg

Initials circled

2222worship Value Inverted Level 3 with

Value Inverted, Posterized - Level 3

with initials circled

Below are other three-dimensional examples of

Freedom of Worship,

Freedom of Speech


Freedom From Fear




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